To some of us who tell people not to be worried about this whole coronavirus thing; that the normal flu is just as deadly; that other diseases are far more fatal; that people kill more people every year; road accidents claim more lives; suicides, etc… I get it. I know we have the numbers to back up those claims.
More often than not, we say these things to calm and comfort us. It’s rightfully okay to do so.
It’s okay not to worry especially if we know the facts. But beyond the obvious health concerns, this whole thing has been creating a largely bad impact in other areas of life. Thousands of people are losing jobs in a snap; thousands more are asked to go on unpaid leaves; travelers stranded; holiday plans have to be slashed; important family milestones are about to miss.
At this point, being cooperative with what the authorities are telling us to do is one way to empathize with everyone. Keep those encouragement coming, while also being thoughtful to those who are now struggling to make both ends meet.
This is a time to be more dependent on God. We may not understand why he allows certain things to happen because, well, we are not God. But we can count on him to bring good out of a bad situation. Hold on and keep the faith kaibigan. Trust that he makes all things beautiful in his time. Keep on praying.
We’ve been here before, and we will get through it. Things happen, and so is healing. And for the sake of the latter, shall we heal the world as one?
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